Friday, September 27, 2013

High School Equivalency Exams Comparison

Still wondering what the differences are between the high school equivalency exams, starting with the new GED test in January 2012?

Check out this chart developed by New Readers Press and ProLiteracy for a side-by-side comparison of the GED, HiSET, and TASC exams.

The chart lists the subject areas, the scoring methods, and the costs, along with specifying the publisher and access methods for all three exams.

If you are unsure which exam your state offers, you can reference this list for more information.

1 comment:

  1. Good job compiling this comparison. I'm wondering how often it will have to be updated, since each of the tests have openly declared that they're going to evolve. But, here's my real question. The 2014 GED and TASC are both going with evidence-based writing assignments. Will HiSET follow suit, or continue with the 2002 GED test model that prompts a reflective personal story? I've heard conflicting answers on this. Thanks.
